E-JUST's Scholarships for Palestinian Human Resources Development towards Reconstruction in Gaza

Admission Examination (Personal and Academic Interview)

Personal Interview and Research Proposal Presentation Assessment Criteria

  1. Oral Examination
  • Knowledge of basics principles in the field
  1. Interview and proposal assessment
  • Research ability and potential
  • Potential for conducting independent experiments/surveys
  • Research ability and potential
  • Potential for conducting independent experiments/surveys
  • Presentation skills
  • Originality of the presentation (Percentage taken from web sites, borrowed material)
  • Logic and clearness to expose ideas (looking to audience)
  • Answering questions logic, and consistently
  • Clear and concise spoken English
  • Personal Character
  • Motivation and neatness
  • Awards and publication, others

The candidate conducts a 15-minute presentation by PPT (Power Point Presentation) for his/her research proposal in front of an evaluation committee. The presentation is followed by 25-minute discussion with the candidate to evaluate the main points given in the research proposal and to evaluate the candidate’s research potential. 

Applicants are required to provide a copy of the research proposal attached to his/her application.